VIBRANT MATTERS (2023) WALL 1 Everywhere voltage Gibson ThereÕs a theory, ItÕs one of those theories considered too good to be true Ñ That consciousness is the effect of our brainwaves entrained, All pulsing at 40hz, singing in unison. I imagine this as listening. Vibrations synching up with synaptic patterns. We pulse with knowing intention. We leave residue when we argue nodes Make spaces when we agree antinodes Dynamic differences shimmering geometries / different types of multiplicities that coexist, interpenetrate, and change places Ñ machines, cogs, motors, and elements that are set in motion at a given moment, forming an assemblage productive of statements: "I love you" (or whatever). Deleuze & Guattari / materiality that is as much force as entity, As much energy as matter, As much intensity as extension. Bennett WALL 2 All living beings are oscillators. We vibrate. Amoeba or human, we pulse, move rhythmically, change rhythmically; we keep time. Le Guin Assemblages are living, throbbing confederations that are able to function despite the persistent presence of energies that confound them from within. Bennett / an animal-vegetable-mineral-sonority cluster with a particular degree and duration of power / what Deleuze and Guattari call an assemblage. Bennett Mediating tensions / between gas and liquids Breath and murmur / surface skins collect colours when meanings rub, surface to surface, ? sending remixed signals; when meanings collide, displacing particles, shaping densities and lacunas; when meanings scatter, bouncing off certainties, forming echoes and iterations; a sound happens, a poem happens. REFERENCES Gibson, R. (2020). 14 Breaths [Limited edition Box Set]. Deleuze, G., & Guattari, F. (1987). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. University of Minnesota Press, p. 37. Bennett, J. (2010). Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Duke University Press, p. 20-24. Le Guin, U. (2004). The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader and the Imagination. Shambhala, p. 195. All other texts, Gail Priest 2023.